We develop software to solve companies’ problems.

Get to know us


We develop proprietary products that companies use in the SaaS model and develop customized solutions to solve specific business problems, these developments may include components such as:

Mobile apps

Applications with intuitive, modern design and capable of working both online and offline.

Back end & Front end

Applications that integrate with other systems or applications and constitute the user interface for interaction with the systems.


We condense and render your data through indicators, graphs or maps that will be built according to the rules and needs of your business.

Cloud resources

When you need it, the processing, storage and databases will be on cloud servers to guarantee the scalability, performance and reliability you need.

Great designs with incredible features

Trick-Lab is the ideal company to analyze your company’s problems and build the solutions you need for your business.

Contact with us


Design & development

We analyze your company’s problems and develop the software you need to solve them quickly and without consuming the time of your work teams.

Dashboard design

Together with your managers and your work teams, we design the analysis dashboards that you and your business require for control and follow-up.

Data analytics

Our engineers are available to perform data analytics processes on the data you have in our software and other platforms to optimize your business.


We build the connectors you require for our developments to exchange data with other platforms that you use in other processes of your business.


We train your team to exploit to the maximum the capabilities and functionalities of our developments and each of its components.


Our staff can take care of the operation of our developments and their connectors with other systems and thus minimize the impact of the implementation.

Our products



Field works

Trick-Order is the best platform to control your field works and capture the data and records they produce.



Parking lots

Trick-Parking performs the traditional processes of vehicle entry and exit, check-in and check-out, while capturing data for analytics and resource optimization.




Trick-Cash is the best system for recording, approving, transferring to accounting systems and presenting employee spending data in dashboards for optimization and control.

Contact Us

Contact Details

At Trick-Lab we are ready to assist you, understand your field work and tell you how you can standardize it, increase customer satisfaction and optimize your operations.

Carrera 7 No. 82-66, Oficina 220, Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 318 800 2187
Email: ventas@trick-lab.com